Terms & condition


 1. Offer and Agreement:

  • These are the terms and conditions that facilitate your participation in “WOTN Cloud name”. All offers, agreements and relationships between the two parties, WOTN Cloud & customers, should be based on these terms and conditions. Additions and deviations are only valid if they have been written.
  • Clients “second party” may always state additional requirements related to communication between the parties or performance of legal acts by email.  

 2. Price and payment:

Payment in full of any applicable Fees for the service is due upon registration through our payment channels as mentioned in our website.

 If such payment is insufficient or declined for any reason, Service “first party” may refuse entry to the Service. 

Any delay in payment for resubscription more than 7 days from last day in service, all data will be deleted with its backup.

3. Payments Channels

Mada, Paypal, Bank transfer are applicable. The value of tickets and online payments is filtered within a maximum of 15 to 40 days.

 4. Confidential information, taking over employees and privacy:

All Intellectual Property Rights in and to service and in the Content relating to our services are the property of WOTN Cloud  “first party” to use it or prove third party to use it for operation matters only. Any issue resulted from the third party, WOTN Cloud is not responsible by its side, while the third party is. Any request for permission to republish, reprint or use for any other purpose any of the Content or Service Marks should be sent by email to the WOTN Cloud contact as described in your Service Confirmation.

5. Retention of title and rights, specification and possessory lien:

Registrants in any Service on WOTN Cloud  should know that their contact information can be shared with the other registrants, with third party vendors for operating purposes only. and with service sponsors. If a registrant would like to optout, a written request must be sent to [email protected]  

6. Risk

The risk of loss or theft of or damage to objects, products, software or data which are the subject of the Agreement shall pass to the Customer ”second party” at the time they have been placed at the actual disposal of the Customer or an assistant used by the Customer.

 7. Intellectual or industrial property rights

A right of use to which the Customer “second party” is entitled shall be non-exclusive and non-transferable to third parties. The customer “second party” is not allowed to remove or modify any of them. Specify confidential character or copyright, trademarks, business names and other intellectual or intellectual rights have the conversed rights. The Service Marks may not be used without prior written permission. Any request for permission to republish, reprint or use for any other purpose any of the Content or Service Marks should be sent by email to the WOTN Cloud contact as described in your Service Confirmation. Any disputes between the parties with respect to property rights or other rights shall be referred to the authorized Saudi courts.

 8. Cooperation by the Customer; telecommunications:

The client is the one who is choosing, using and applying Hardware, software, websites and product databases; other materials and services to be provided by WOTN Cloud  “first party”.  Customer “second party” always provides WOTN Cloud  “first party” in a timely manner with all relevant data or information necessary for implementation including access to its premises is available. If the client” second party” is using his property staff in cooperating in the implementation of the agreement, staff must have the necessary knowledge of how, experience and capabilities and properties.

9. Delivery periods

All delivery and other periods mentioned or approved by WOTN Cloud  as first party, to the best of its knowledge, have been determined on the basis of data known to the first party ‘”WOTN Cloud ” when the agreement was concluded. WOTN Cloud  “first party” should not exceed the delivery period and fail to do so to give the customer “second party” written notice. WOTN Cloud  “first party” is bound by delivery periods if the parties agree to amend the agreement. 

10. Development of software

If the specification or design of the program to be developed or held was not actually given to WOTN Cloud  “first party” when the agreement was made finally, Parties shall determine, in written consultation. The first party has the right, without being bound, to examine validity, completeness or consistency of data or specifications given to it, and if any defects are detected, suspend work agreed until the client “second party” removes deficiencies. 


11. Performance

WOTN Cloud  “the first party” shall perform the services in accordance with the agreements and procedures recorded in writing with the Customer “the second party”. Any agreements concerning a service level must always be expressly agreed in writing.

12. Cyber Security, privacy 

WOTN Cloud  “the first party” is responsible for defending servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. All information is secured from malware or hacking. The first party shall secure all sensitive and confidential data of the second party. Any attacks resulted in our service, WOTN Cloud will compensate the second party with the same service or its price. Any attacks resulted by dashboard user malware, WOTN Cloud is not responsible for any deficits.

13. Modification and additional work

WOTN Cloud will provide the best service for each package based on the chosen service. Receiving more traffic than agreed number of users during holding the service, WOTN Cloud  “first party” is not responsible for any imbalance of the service. The first party shall determine the cost of the additional adjustments and the time of its implementing. The first party also has the right to ignore any amendment not required according to the agreed formal methods. The first party” WOTN Cloud  “is not responsible for any software or operational errors resulting from adjustments requested by the second party in 3 days before operation.


14. Environment requirements and installation

The first party “WOTN Cloud ” is responsible for providing an appropriate environment to the second party to present its services. The customer “second party” shall enable the solution’s provider to perform the necessary work. WOTN Cloud  “the first party” is the only party who has the right to own the source code.

Terms & condition